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  2. SA・PA
  3. Lover's Sanctuary
  4. Awaji SA special deals
Lover's Sanctuary Awaji SA Special deals

"Promise Bear" Members' strap with Lover's Sanctuary special benefits

Always by your side, watching over you until your wishes ♡ come true ...

Gold / Silver each 1,650 yen (tax included)

If you present the "Promise Bear" Members' strap with Lover's Sanctuary special benefits, now on sale at the shop, at the Awaji Service Area (inbound/outbound) you will receive benefits!

Awaji Service Area (inbound/outbound) Restaurant Royal

To couples who have a meal at the restaurant "Royal" in the Awaji Service Area,
A complimentary post-meal drink (coffee, hot or iced tea, orange juice)
(Up to two accompanying persons)

Awaji Service Area outbound Ferris wheel

For couples presenting the members' strap, 1400 yen for two persons (usually 1600 yen)
Please present your members' strap at the counter and purchase a couple ticket.
Tickets are sold up until 30 minutes before closing.

There are various benefits even in the other Lover's Sanctuaries, etc.!

Road closure informationMay 9, 2024, 11:24 am present date

  • There is no road closure.

  • There is no road closure
    to motorcycle traffic.

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