Maintenance policy for structures

Repairing activities for structures

By predicting degradation based on the inspection result, preventive maintenance is ensured at an appropriate time to achieve long service life and minimize life cycle cost, and repair damages and deal with defects at an early stage based on inspection results.

  • Examples of preventative maintenance works

    Countermeasure against carbonation of bridge side concrete walls

    Waterproofing of concrete deck

  • Examples of corrective maintenance works

    Replacement of expansion joint

    Concrete crack repairing work

Pavement repairing work

On the pavement of the main road, it is necessary to accurately grasp the required repair spots based on the results of the road surface property survey conducted approximately every three years and the pavement deterioration prediction, to formulate an efficient repair plan, We are carrying out repair work to secure 95% or more.

Maintained pavement ratio

  • Calculation method
    Dividing the length of maintained traffic lanes by the total length of traffic lanes.
    Maintained traffic lane : Fine pavement conditions that road users perceive as comfortable (rutting<25mm, cracking ratio <20%, surface smoothness (IRI) <3.5mm/200m)
  • Calculation formula
    Maintained pavement ratio (%) = (LP ? Lpa) / LP × 100
    LP: Total length of traffic lanes (1st/2nd lanes, passing lane, slow traffic lane)
    Lpa: The lane length judged as needing repair based on road surface condition survey results and deterioration prediction.

Pavement repair work