Awards Received

Minister's Awards

Award Year Awarded by Award Name Work
1981 Science and Technology Agency Science and Technology Agency
Director General's Award
Research on expansion of railway girders
1985 Minister of Construction Minister of Construction's Award Construction of the Ohnaruto Bridge
1988 Prime Minister Prime Minister's Award Construction of the Kojima-Sakaide route
1988 Minister of Construction Minister of Construction's Award Construction of the Kojima-Sakaide route
1997 Minister of Labor Minister of Labor's Award Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Comprehensive Work-Related
Accident Prevention Committee
1998 Prime Minister Prime Minister's Award Construction of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge and
completion of the Kobe-Awaji-Naruto Expressway
1998 Minister of Construction Minister of Construction's Award Construction of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge and
completion of the Kobe-Awaji-Naruto Expressway
1999 Minister of Construction Minister of Construction's Award Construction of the Nishi-Seto Expressway

Academic societies, etc.

Bridge or facility classification Award Year Awarded by Award Name Work
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1993 Japan Concrete Institute Japan Concrete Institute Award Construction of the underwater concrete of main tower foundation
of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1994 Japan Construction Method
and Machinery Research Institute
Kato Award Construction of the main tower of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1995 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Technology Award Construction of the foundation of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1995 Institution of Civil Engineers (UK) Bill Curtin Medal'95 Technical Innovation For Realization of Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1996 Engineering News-Record Newsmaker Award'96 Research on the steel strands used for the cables of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1996 Japanese Society of Steel Construction Encouragement Prize (thesis section) Measures against wind-induced vibration of the towers of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1996 Ichimura Foundation for New Technology Ichimura Prize in Industry for Excellent Achievement Development of ultra-high tensile steel wire for bridges
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1996 The Japanese Geotechnical Society Technical Achievement Award Geological survey and foundation design of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1997 Japan Association for Wind Engineering Technology Development Award Wind resistance evaluation technique for long-span bridges using
a wind tunnel test with a full-bridge model in a large-scale wind tunnel
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1998 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Technology Award Construction of the Kobe-Awaji-Naruto Expressway
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1998 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award for Excellence
in Bridge Design and Construction
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1998 Japan Construction Engineers' Association Construction Technology Award Construction project of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1998 International Bridge Conference George S.Richardson Medal'98 Construction of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1998 Illuminating Engineering Society International Illumination Design Awards Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1999 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Thesis Award Research on the Construction of Underwater Foundations
in Strong Tides and Deep Water
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1999 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award for Exellence in Research Paper A Study of Mode Coupling in Flutter and Buffeting of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 1999 Japanese Society of Steel Construction JSSC Award Construction of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge (superstructure)
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 2001 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Thesis Award A study on anti-corrosion capacity of dry air injection system
of suspension bridge cables
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 2002 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Kansai Branch
Technology Prize Award Development of aerodynamic damping measures of parallel cable
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 2007 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Kansai Branch
Citizens' Civil Engineering Award,
Section 1,
"Citizen's Choice Civil Engineering Technology" Grand Prize
Construction of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
Maiko Tunnel 1999 The Japanese Geotechnical Society Technical Achievement Award Construction of the Maiko tunnel
Nadagawa Bridge 1997 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Kansai Branch
Technology Award Construction of Nadagawa Bridge (V-leg rigid frame bridge)
Ohnaruto Bridge 1986 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Technology Award Construction of the Ohnaruto Bridge
Ohnaruto Bridge 1986 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award for Excellence
in Bridge Design and Construction
Ohnaruto Bridge
Ohnaruto Bridge 1986 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Kansai Branch
Technology Award Construction of the Ohnaruto Bridge
Ohnaruto Bridge 1986 Japanese Society of Steel Construction JSSC Award Construction of the Ohnaruto Bridge superstructure
Ohnaruto Bridge 1986 The Illuminating Engineering Institute
of Japan Lighting Promotion Association
Good Lighting Award Ohnaruto Bridge road lighting
Seto-Ohashi Bridges 1979 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award for Exellence in Research Paper Fatigue strength of longitudinal single-bevel-groove welded members
Seto-Ohashi Bridges 1988 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Innovative Technique Award Development of inspection and maintenance vehicle
Seto-Ohashi Bridges 1988 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award for Exellence in Research Paper Feasibility study on non-destructive testing
for fatigue crack detection of corner weld
Washuzan Tunnel 1988 Japanese Geotechnical Society Technology Award Design and construction of the Washuzan Tunnel
Seto-Ohashi Bridges 1988 Japan Prestressed Concrete Institute JPCI Award for outstanding structures Kojima-Sakaide Route Bridges
Seto-Ohashi Bridges 1989 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Technology Award Construction of the Seto-Ohashi Bridges
Seto-Ohashi Bridges 1989 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award for Excellence
in Bridge Design and Construction
Seto-Ohashi Bridges
Seto-Ohashi Bridges 1989 The Illuminating Engineering Institute
of Japan Lighting Promotion Association
Good Lighting Award Use of special lighting devices in strait areas
Seto-Ohashi Bridges 1989 International Bridge Conference George S.Richardson Medal'89 Construction of the Seto-Ohashi Bridges
A truss portion of the Hitsuishijima viaduct 2020 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka Award for Excellence in Bridge Design and Construction Seismic retrofit of a truss portion of the Hitsuishijima viaduct
Nishi-Seto Expressway 1999 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Technology Award Construction of the Nishi-Seto Expressway long-span bridges
Innoshima Bridge 1984 The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan Japan Lighting Award Planning and implementation of Innoshima Bridge lighting devices
Ikuchi Bridge 1992 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award for Excellence
in Bridge Design and Construction
Ikuchi Bridge
Tatara Bridge 1999 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award for Excellence
in Bridge Design and Construction
Construction of the Tatara Bridge
Tatara Bridge 1999 Japan Construction Engineers' Association Construction Technology Award Tatara Bridge Project
Ohmishima Bridge 1979 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Technology Award Design and construction of two-hinged steel arch bridge with tied rib center
Ohmishima Bridge 1979 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award for Excellence
in Bridge Design and Construction
Ohmishima Bridge
Ohmishima Bridge 1987 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award for Excellence
in Bridge Design and Construction
Ohmishima Bridge
Kurushima-Kaikyo Bridges 1996 Japan Construction Method
and Machinery Research Institute
Kato Award Large diameter vertical shaft excavation
Kurushima-Kaikyo Bridges 1998 Japan Construction Method
and Machinery Research Institute
Kato Award Rapid construction method for direct hanging work
on suspension bridges in strait areas
Kurushima-Kaikyo Bridges 1999 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka award for Excellence
in Bridge Design and Construction
Construction of the Kurushima-Kaikyo Bridges
Kurushima-Kaikyo Bridges 1999 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Innovative Technique Award Development of bridge-construction barge with dynamic positioning system
Kurushima-Kaikyo Bridges 1999 The Illuminating Engineering Institute of
Japan Lighting Promotion Association
Good Lighting Award Kurushima-Kaikyo Bridges' bridge lighting equipment
Suspension bridges 2002 Japanese Society of Steel Construction Achievement Award Development of dry air injection system for suspension bridge cables
The Honshu-Shikoku Bridges 1995 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Innovative Technique Award Magnetic wheel gondola development
The Honshu-Shikoku Bridges 2002 International Concrete Association FIB Osaka Congressional Award
"Concrete Structure and Construction Division"
Excellent Large-Scale Concrete Structure
The Honshu-Shikoku Bridges 2007 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Kansai Branch
Technology Award Development of vacuum suction wheel gondola
The Honshu-Shikoku Bridges 2018 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Innovative Technique Award Crack detection system for fatigue cracks in orthotropic steel deck (Crack detection system for weld-bead penetrating crack in orthotropic steel deck based on temperature gap detection using infrared thermography)
The Honshu-Shikoku Bridges 2019 Japan Society of Civil Engineers Tanaka Award for Excellence in Bridge Design and Construction Dry air injection system for suspension bridge cables


Award Year Awarded by Award Name Work
1989 Japan Industrial Technology Grand Prize;
Prime Minister's Award
Science and Technology Agency
Director General's Award
Development of construction technology
for the Seto-Ohashi Bridges
1991 The '89 Design Year Forum Japan Design Grand Prize The Honshu-Shikoku Bridges;
Kojima-Sakaide Route
1991 Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. Nikkei Business Publications
Technology Award
Construction supervision technology for
the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge main tower foundation
1999 Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. Nikkei Business Publications
Technology Award
Construction technology
for the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
2007 Scenic Byway Japan Strategy Council
(Chugoku Regional Scenic Byway Association)
Scenic Byway Shimanami Expressway
2008 Roadway Greening Conservation Association Kikuchi Road Environment Prize Shimanami Expressway Cycling Road
2016 Geo Activity contest Electronic Geospatial Award 2016 Pavement management system and Disaster prevention information assistance system

Videos, etc.

Award Year Awarded by Award Name Work
1974 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Society of Civil Engineers Movie Competition
Second Prize Study of the design of the Honshu-Shikoku bridges
1976 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Society of Civil Engineers Movie Competition
Second Prize Spanning over an ocean of whirlpools
1980 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Society of Civil Engineers Movie Competition
Second Prize Ohmishima Bridge - the Honshu-Shikoku Bridges
1984 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Society of Civil Engineers Movie Competition
First Prize The Honshu-Shikoku Bridges - Building the Foundation of a Long-span Bridge, Part 3
1986 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Society of Civil Engineers Movie Competition
Excellence Award Bridge Over Whirlpools Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Project (Ohnaruto Bridge)
1986 Japan Audio-Visual Education Association Educational Film Festival Excellent Work Award Ocean Bridge
1987 Japan Industry Film Council,
Japan Industry Movie & Video Competition
Industry Movie Video Grand Prize Building a Bridge - Record of large-block construction of Minami Bisan-Seto Bridge,
Kojima-Sakaide Route
1987 Keidanren (Japan Business Federation),
Keizai Koho Center (Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs),
Japan Industry Movie & Video National Competition
Gold Award,
Minister of Foreign Affairs's Award
"IDOMU" Honshu-Shikoku Bridges
Films Introducing Japan Competition,
Film Culture Creators' Association
Gold Award IDOMU
1988 Kinema-Junposha Kinema Junpo Best 10 Building a bridge
1988 Japan Science Foundation,
Science and Technology Film Festival,
Japan Science and Technology Film Association,
Video Culture Creators' Association
Prime Minister's Award Building for the future - The Seto Ohashi Bridges
1988 Japan Audio-Visual Education Association Excellent Educational Video Recommendation,
high school section,
Excellence Award
Building for the future - The Seto Ohashi Bridges
1988 International Industry Film & Video Committee,
United States International Industrial Film & Video Festival
Silver Screen Award IDOMU
1988 Japan Industry Film Council,
Japan Industry Movie & Video Competition
Minister of International Trade
and Industry's Award
Building for the future - The Seto Ohashi Bridges
1988 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Society of Civil Engineers Movie Competition
First Prize The Honshu-Shikoku Bridges,
Kojima-Sakaide Route
1988 The Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association Radio awards Radio Era
1993 TEPIA (Association for Technological Excellence Promoting Innovative Advances)
Hi-tech Video Competition
TEPIA Grand Prix STEPS ACROSS THE SEA - Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Main Tower Foundation Highlights
1994 TEPIA (Association for Technological Excellence Promoting Innovative Advances)
Hi-tech Video Competition
Encouragement Prize Pilot Rope Sea Crossing
1995 Japan Industry Film Council,
Japan Industry Movie & Video Competition
Minister of International Trade
and Industry's Award
A Dialogue - A Record of the Construction of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Anchorages
1998 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Society of Civil Engineers Movie Competition
First Prize Journey into the Unknown - The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Superstructure
1998 Agency for Cultural Affairs Excellent Film Award A bridge to Tomorrow - Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Highlights
1999 Japan Industry Film Council,
Japan Industry Movie & Video Competition
Minister of International Trade
and Industry's Award
A bridge to Tomorrow - Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Highlights
1999 TEPIA (Association for Technological Excellence Promoting Innovative Advances)
Hi-tech Video Competition
Excellent Work Award A bridge to Tomorrow - Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Highlights
2000 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Society of Civil Engineers Movie & Video Competition
Excellence Award Environment and Landscape - Construction of the Kurushima-Kaikyo Bridges
2000 Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Society of Civil Engineers Movie & Video Competition
Excellence Award Connecting the Archipelago - A Record of Tatara Bridge