Vol.18 No.70 1994.4


* By clicking ▸ on the title of Technical Reports, abstract will be indicated.

【巻頭言】Prefatory note

  • 子供達の心に響いた本四架橋

    Honshu-Shikoku Bridges impressed in Childlen's herts


    Ushio Miyazaki

【技術論文】Technical report

  • 低発熱型コンクリートの耐ひび割れ特性とその評価方法

    Anti-thermal-crack characteristics of low-heat concrete and its estimation method


    Seigo Nasu


    Study on low-heat concrete was carried out by physical test and analysis of the content of low-heat cement statistically concerning the anti-thermal-crack characteristics. The rate of slag content in the cement and the fineness of a slag particle were found most influential to the crack sensitivity and hardening or reaction shrinkage. And based on this result the possibility of creating the standard for the estimation of the anti-thermal-crack probability was studied.

  • 明石海峡大橋主塔の製作・精度管理

    Fabrication and Accuracy Control of the Towers of the Akasi Kaikyo Bridge


    Kensaku Hata, Yoshihiro Kobayashi



    Construction of the main towers of the Akasi Kaikyo Bridge has been completed recently.

    The height of the towers reaches 300m, and the dimensions of the members of the tower shaft are substantially enlarged compared with the existing ones. And, the one tower shaft was fabricated at some factories for the first time.

    So, problems in fabrication, such as control of the inclination of the members with large cross section and its measurement, should be overcome to maintain the accuracy of these large members.

    In this report, the outline of investigation and experiment, which were conducted to control the accuracy of the members, are reported.

  • 明石海峡大橋のバンド・ハンガー構造(その1)

    Structure of cable band and suspender on the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge (part 1)


    Kouji Kawaguchi, Susumu Fukunaga





    The maximum length of suspender ropes of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge will reach 200 meters for the world longest center span of 1990 meters of the bridge. Therefore the parallel wire strand with pin-connected supports was designed for suspender system of the bridge, considering the convenience of bridge maintenance. The outline of the system is as follows:

    1. The support of suspender employed a pin connection system due to structural characteristics of PWS suspender. The universal joint system was further designed for some of suspenders that might have a large amount of transversal bending angle between the suspender and its socket due to deck displacement.

    2. The cable band was designed considering the influence of tension force of the suspender on both the cable band bolt and the band itself.

    3. A black polyethylene tube, which is set to cover the PWS suspender for the anti-corrosive measure, is to be covered with fluoro-polymer resin in consideration of aesthetic viewpoint.

  • 大鳴門橋関連区間陸上部橋梁の塗膜劣化調査

    Survey on Deterioration of Coating Film for On-shore Bridges on the Ohnaruto Bridge Expressway


    Yuji Nakamoto




    The age of the coating film of the bridges on the Ohnaruto Bridge Expressway varies for mostly about 5 to 9 years (partly 12 years) according to their completion dates.

    A among them, three bridges were repainted totally or partly. From now on, overall repainting will be needed within a few years for the most bridges.

    The first extensive survey on the damage of coating film was thus carried out for the on-land bridges on this expressway to obtain basic data for establishing a repainting plan of the remaining bridges.

  • 来島大橋主塔の景観設計

    Aesthetic Design of the Tower of Kurushima Bridge


    Harukazu Ohashi, Hiroshi Isoe


    The design of the towers of Kurushima Bridge has been focused on the aesthetics due to their circumferences of scenic beauty. The deck of the bridges employed an aerofoil type box girder. This made the design work of the tower configuration be more flexible. Therefore, structural characteristics, aerodynamic stability, and the other details were analyzed especially focused on some rigid frame type of tower shapes with a hexagonal cross section or a cruciform cross section. This paper shows a process to reach solution from the design of tower shape to the determination of structural details.

【海外報告】Overseas report

  • 発展途上国での橋梁技術指導に関する一考案(ケニア共和国での勤務経験から)

    A Study on the Technical Cooperation of Bridge Engineering in a Developing Country (My working experience in the Republic of Kenya)


    Sumitaka Kurino

  • ノースリッジ地震調査報告

    Report of Northridge Earthquake


    Yoshitaka Yoshida

【技術ニュース】Technical news