Vol.24 No.93 2000.4


* By clicking ▸ on the title of Technical Reports, abstract will be indicated.

【巻頭言】Prefatory note

  • はるかな未来に向けて

    For Far Future


    Masanobu Murata


  • 国際化の中での技術とその課題

    Technology and its Subjects in Globalization


    Osamu Kusakabe

【技術論文】Technical report

  • 鋼斜張橋ケーブル材料としての高強度亜鉛めっきPC鋼より線の物理特性

    Physical Properties of Zinc-coated Steel Wire Tendons for Prestressed Concrete Suitable for the Cables of Steel Cable-Stayed Bridges


    Msasai Kaneko, Haruki Akiyama, Satami Murase

    最近、諸外国ではNormandy橋(仏)、汲水門橋(香港)等で工場製作ストランドを現地で束ねたケーブルが施工されるようになった。一方、国内においては一部の中小規模のPC斜張橋での使用実績はあるものの、長大橋用として系統だった素線およびケーブルとしての設計データが少なかったため、本格普及するには至っていない。従って公共事業として初めて新尾道大橋において、261KN級の7本より亜鉛めっきPC鋼より線をケーブル材料として使用するにあたり、物理特性として重要な項目に関しての特性確認試験を行い基礎データの整理、蓄積を図った。調査項目は疲労特性、遅れ破壊特性、応力腐食割れ特性、耐食性、クリープ特性、低温特性である。 その結果、従来用いてきた平行線ケーブル用高強度亜鉛めっき鋼線と同等の性能を有していることを確認した。

    Recently in overseas, field-assembly type cable which consists of zinc-coated steel wire strands for prestressed concrete has been used for the materials for some major cable-stayed bridges, such as the Normandy Bridge in France and the Kapsuimun Bridge in Hong-Kong. However, beside in small scale cable-stayed PC-bridges such cable materials have rarely been used in Japan, because of shortness of data on design reliability for long span steel bridges. Accordingly, the first employment of this kind of cables to the large scale civil structure, the Shin-Onomichi cable-stayed Bridge, required the study on physical properties on the seven-wire tendon with 261 KN/mm2-class zinc-coated steel wire for prestressed concrete. This paper covers the properties on fatigue, delayed fracture, stress-corrosion cracking, tensile creep, and characteristics in the low temperature. As a result, zinc-coated steel wire strands for prestressed concrete showed an equal performance to a parallel-wire type steel strands, which has been mostly used materials in cable-stayed steel bridges in Japan.

  • 明石海峡大橋のハンガーロープ制振対策

    Aerodynamic Stabilization for Hanger Ropes of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge


    Masahiro Takeguchi

    明石海峡大橋のハンガーロープには、ポリエチレン管で被覆したPWSハンガーが用いられており、1格点当たり2本が並列に配置されている。 このハンガーにおいて、工事中から2種類の風による振動が観測された。一つは比較的低風速域で現れる渦励振で、もう一つが高風速時に下流側ハンガーのみに稀に見られた大振幅振動である。 後者はウェイク振動として知られている現象であるが、従来の知見では、本橋のハンガー間隔では発生しないとされていた。これについて風洞試験で発現条件や制振対策を調査したので、その結果を報告する。 なお、対策としては、ハンガーに細いロープを螺旋状に巻き付けることで有効な制振効果を得ることがわかり、これを実橋のハンガーに1999年台風期までに施した。制振対策後はこれらの振動は観測されていない。

    The hanger ropes of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge employed prefabricated parallel wire strands (PWS) with polyethylene ducts, which situated two strands for each panel. These hanger ropes have observed two kinds of vibration due to the wind since their construction stages. One of such vibrations was vortex-induced motion occurred in relatively low frequencies, and the other one was large amplitude oscillations, which were occasionally observed on leeward side of ropes in high speed wind. Although the latter phenomenon was known as the wake vibration, with judging from the experience it was not supposed to be occurred on the hanger ropes of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge installed with particular intervals. This paper reports the results from the wind tunnel tests, which studied both the conditions of occurrence on the vibration, and the system to compensate this vibration. The system, which employed wrapping of thin wire spirally around the hanger rope, found its effectiveness in the study. The site work for installation of the system has been done before the typhoon season in 1999, and no vibration has been observed after installation of the system.

  • 斜張橋ケーブル角折れ緩衝装置の損傷とその補修

    Damage and Repair on The Dampers of Cable-stayed Bridge


    Yuji Fujii, Toshiaki Doi, Tadakazu Hirashita


    Twelve years has passed since the opening of Seto Ohashi bridges, highway-railway-combined bridges, on April 1988. The once-a -year periodic inspection found damage with the cable dampers on the Hitsuishijima and Iwakurojima cable-stayed bridges, which included melting breakage of PE (polyurethane) tubes and polybutadiene grout. Although an intensive study including various tests was carried out to identify the cause of damage and work out repair method, identification of the cause was failed. Meanwhile, the repair methods were established according to the level of damage, and the stay cables were totally investigated and repaired during the years 1998-1999. This paper reports the outline of damage and study.

  • 来島海峡大橋補剛桁の設計・製作

    Design and Fabrication of Kurushima Kaikyo Bridge Stiffening Girder


    Shinichiro Ito


    The stiffening girder of the Kurushima Kaikyo Bridge employed a box deck system for the first time in Japan as a 1000-meter span bridge. The system featured the both structures of thin plate decks made mainly of 400 N steel, and trussed diaphragms and center stringers, which turned to be economical and raised visibility and accessibility inside the deck in maintenance works. Its design developed some improved structural details to raise fatigue resistibility, as well as a pin-connected suspender system to simplify the structure instead of the ordinary mount system. The paper introduces some characteristic topics in the detail design and shop fabrication of the Kurushima Kaikyo Bridge.

【海外報告】Overseas report

  • 海外報告(ジンバブエ)ヴィクトリア フォールズ橋

    Overseas Report (Zimbabwe) Victoria Falls Bridge


    Rikiya Iizuka

  • 日本・ペルー友好橋建設計画

    Construction scheme of the Japanese-Peru friendship bridge


    Koichi Amano

【技術ニュース】Technical news