1. Drivers site
  2. Toll / road information
  3. JCT/IC
  4. E76 Nishi-Seto Expressway (Shimanami Expressway)
  5. Information about how to travel between Nishiseto-Onomichi Interchange and Mukaishima interchange using ETC

Information about how to travel between Nishiseto-Onomichi Interchange and Mukaishima Interchange using ETC

Since there is no ETC lane at the Mukaishima tollgate on the Honshu-Shikoku Expressway (when driving between Nishiseto-Onomichi Interchange and Mukaishima Interchange), please travel using the following method. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

When traveling between Nishiseto-Onomichi Interchange and Mukaishima Interchange

  • When traveling between Nishiseto-Onomichi Interchange and Mukaishima Interchange, there is no ETC lane at the Mukaishima Interchange, where payment is required. Instead, the toll settlement machine is installed there, so please be sure to make a brief stop and pay the toll in accordance with the guidelines.

*Please have your ETC card ready in advance.

*If you are traveling from the Mukaishima Interchange toward Imabari, or from Imabari to the Mukaishima Interchange, there are ETC lanes, so you can use ETC as usual.

Driving examples

When traveling between Nishiseto-Onomichi Interchange and Mukaishima Interchange

There are no ETC lanes.
The toll settlement machine is installed there, so ETC vehicles (including motorcycles) must make a brief stop and pay the toll in accordance with the guidelines.

When traveling between the Mukaishima Interchange and Imabari

ETC lane or ordinary lane
If equipped with ETC, please use an ETC lane.

Since there are mixed lanes for both ETC vehicles and ordinary vehicles on Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway (toward Imabari) 200 meters ahead, please proceed as you are.
(There are mixed lanes for both ETC vehicles and ordinary vehicles at the Mukaishima through lane toll barrier.)

Mukaishima Interchange toll fee settlement machine

Road closure informationMay 9, 2024, 08:21 am present date

  • There is no road closure.

  • There is no road closure
    to motorcycle traffic.

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