1. Drivers site
  2. For safety using
  3. Handling emergencies

Handling emergencies

Information on handling of emergencies including accidents, car troubles, falling objects, fire in a tunnel, etc.

In case of an emergency, always ensure your own safety first, and report the incident using an emergency telephone or road emergency number [#9910].

Emergency telephone

Your call will be connected to the Traffic and Facility Control Office of HSBE once you pick up the receiver.

Road emergency number: #9910

Dial the short number #9910 and follow the voice guidance to select the number for HSBE to connect to the Traffic and Facility Control Office.
(More information on #9910)

1. I've been in an accident! My car has broken down!

First, turn on your hazard lights to warn cars behind you.

Next, quickly pull over to the shoulder of the road to burn a warning flare and place the warning triangle behind your car.

After seeking refuge in a safe location such as outside of the crash barrier, report the incident by using the emergency telephone or dialing road emergency number #9910.

Be very careful of other cars driving by as you get in and out of your car.

What to report

[In case of an accident]

  • Accident location [distance marker, inbound lane (towards Honshu) or outbound lane (towards Shikoku)]
  • Accident condition (number of cars involved, location of cars parked, any fire, traffic flow, etc.)
  • Anyone injured (severity of injury, anyone trapped inside a car, etc.)

[In case your car breaks down]

  • Location of the car broken down [distance marker, inbound lane or outbound lane]
  • Type of car trouble (flat tire, overheat, running out of gas, etc.)
  • Type and size of the car (oversize, regular passenger vehicle, etc.)

Making emergency stops on the expressway

Please refer to the National Police Agency's website for information on making emergency stops on the expressway.

2. There are falling objects on the road! I hit a fallen object!

If you notice falling objects on the road, pull over safely such as at the toll office, service area or parking area and report it using the emergency telephone or dialing the road emergency number #9910.

*Falling objects are the responsibility of those who dropped them. Before any trip be sure to inspect your cargo and vehicle.
More information

3. Something fell from my car onto the road!

If an object falls from your car onto the expressway, pull over to the shoulder of the expressway and report it using the emergency telephone or dialing the road emergency number #9910. When calling, report where and what fell onto the road.

4. I saw a car driving in the wrong direction!

If you notice an oncoming car driving in the wrong direction, first pull over to a safe location on the shoulder of the expressway to avoid a collision. Next, report the incident by calling 110 or the road emergency number (#9910), or dialing the emergency telephone.

Cars driving in the wrong direction tend to drive in the passing lane. If you notice information displayed on the variable information board, etc., about a Car driving in the wrong direction, slowdown and ensure enough space between the vehicle in front of you while you drive as close to the left hand side of the expressway as possible.

5. There was an earthquake!

If an earthquake occurs, gradually slowdown and stop on the shoulder. Afterwards, follow the instructions of JB HSBE or the police and evacuate to a safe location.

When leaving your car behind, turn off the engine and leave the keys in the ignition. Close the windows fully, but do not lock the doors.

Be very careful of other cars driving by as you get in and out of your car.

6. There is a fire in the tunnel!

*For Maiko Tunnel (approx. 3km), in case of a fire inside the tunnel, evacuation orders will be broadcast over the radio. If you are inside the tunnel, please listen to your radio.

(ⅰ) If you are in front of tunnel's entrance

If there is a fire inside the tunnel, driver's will be notified using the information board in front of the tunnel's entrance. If the information board indicates "進入禁止(No entry)" or "火災(Fire)," etc., do not proceed into the tunnel; instead stop at the entrance and turn on your hazard lights.

Information board
(Before tunnel entrance)

(ⅱ) If you are inside the tunnel and near the site of the fire

1. Ensure your own safety

If you see or detect a fire, turn on your hazard lights and immediately stop your car.

Be sure to stop your car on the far left side of the road (in some cases the far right) in order to ensure enough space for fire trucks to pass. When leaving your vehicle, turn off the engine and with the keys in the ignition, fully close all windows, but leave the doors unlocked.

After stopping your car, evacuate heading toward the exit or emergency exit in the opposition direction of the fire following the direction display board or emergency exit indicating lamp, while paying attention to safety to avoid being hit by passing cars.

Smoke from the fire will rise and accumulate at the ceiling before dropping down. To avoid smoke inhalation, use a handkerchief or something else to cover your mouth as you evacuate while maintaining a posture low to the ground.

Direction sign board
(Tunnels with an emergency exit)

Emergency exit indicating light

Direction sign board
(Tunnels without an emergency exit)

2. Reporting a fire

After evacuating to a safe place, report the fire using an emergency telephone, push-button reporting device, road emergency number (#9910) or other means.

Emergency telephones are located about every 200 meters inside a tunnel. Your call will be connected to the Traffic and Facility Control Office of HSBE once you pick up the receiver.

Emergency telephone

Push-button reporting device

3. Initial fire suppression

There are fire extinguishers located every 50 meters inside a tunnel (some tunnels have fire hydrants). These can be used for initial fire suppression as long as the situation is safe. You are not required to fight the fire if it is unsafe. If you feel danger, immediately evacuate.

Fire extinguisher

Fire hydrant

Road closure informationFeb 14, 2025, 07:18 am present date

  • There is no road closure.

  • There is no road closure
    to motorcycle traffic.

Company information site